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Thursday, 16th July 2009 04:07 PM
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Urban: I`m not afraid of this match

Hugollek, turi

"We'll see if the results which we achieved in the friendlies transpose to official, important matches. Almost all my players have experience in the European games. My doubts refer only to two footballers – Adrian Paluchowski and Krzysztof Ostrowski. They didn’t play too much in the league, so we'll see how they're going to cope in a such match" – said Legia's coach, Jan Urban.
"I'm not afraid of this match. Anyway, you can't be afraid of any team. You have to be self-confident. We'll start the match being aware of our strength, but with respect for our rivals. We remember what happened a year ago. We couldn't win with theoretically poorer opponent. That's why we did everything, so our form could be better. We'd like to play against Georgians like we did it in the friendlies, e.g. to dominate in the middle part of the field or to generate good situations to score goals. We have to impose hard conditions and to take the initiative from the very beginning. What kind of result would satisfy me? 2-0 or 3-0 victory.

I think that we're prepared better for the game against Olimpi than to last year's competitions. I didn't conceal then that our form wasn't too good. That's why this season we started to play 90-minutes-long matches earlier, so the players could appropriately accustom.

What do we know about our opponents? I heard that they bought Brazilian footballers, but we have no idea if they play in Warsaw. They showed up in Rustawi's team at the last moment. We had our envoys during both Olimpi's matches, nevertheless rival's estimation on the basis of the games against one opponent can may be misleading. Although they didn't score too many goals in the matches against the team from Faroe Islands, we know that they generated lots of situations" – said Jan Urban.

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